Saturday, August 31, 2019

How Human Activities Negatively Affect the Ecosystem Essay

In various ecosystems, negative changes have been seen as consequences of human activities. Specifically, these various activities of people have been observed to contribute directly and indirectly to the negative changes and implications in one of the major ecosystems, the marine ecosystem. This paper suggests that many of the human activities employed in the environment, specifically the marine ecosystem, yield multiplicative detrimental effects. It is said that humans have a high influence over ecosystems, and the various activities they make alter the environment’s conditions (Millennium Ecosystem Assessment, 2003). According to Hylland (2002), there are many different perspectives that could affirm the impact of human activities towards nature. However, in purely simplistic illustrations, human activities that involve physical disturbance, release of harmful chemicals, and other destructive forms cause serious effects such as a reduced biodiversity. Physical disturbances such as trawling, large scale fishing, or coastal construction prevent fish and other marine species from staying in their original habitat. This means that these marine fauna are displaced from their habitat which may have been destroyed or changed beyond recovery by drastic fishing activities made by man. Similarly, the marine ecosystem may not only be lessened because of the displaced marine organisms, but it is also possible that an eventual decrease in the population level of these organisms may happen. This could trigger to a relatively damaging human activity wherein humans will aim for the fish nearer the coastal areas. Under many legislation proceedings, fishing near the coastal areas is prohibited because the act will strip the number of fish and other marine species into a minimal number. Over-fishing could as well cause the decrease in the biodiversity of marine animals (Hylland, 2002). The use of chemicals in fishing could also destroy not only the marine species but also their habitat and where eventually, humans will also be affected. This is a chain-like series of events that could lead into a negative effect, destruction even, among marine biological ecosystems. Cyanide and other dynamite fishing are often used by fishermen as an easier method of fishing that kill even the smaller fish. If these methods continue, the marine species will no longer be sustained. The chemical by products from these methods also destroy their natural ecosystem by contaminating changes that are harmful to the lives of these species. Similarly, there are instances where pollutants and toxic materials from pesticides go as water run-off from residential and agricultural areas toward the seas and other water forms, thereby contaminating the seas and the living organisms in it with the toxic substances (Hylland, 2002). Another major implication that is currently of relevance is the aftereffect of negative human activities that characterize an indirect implication: climate change. Because of the ensuing pollution, forest denudation and other factors, climate change and global warming have been relatively causing damage. These have negative effects as well on the marine ecosystems as the seas are heating up, thereby changing the distribution of species (Hylland, 2002). Conclusively, it must be noted that many various human endeavors have multiplicative detrimental effects to many ecosystems, specifically the marine ecosystem. As mentioned, the negative effects do not only encompass the destruction of the marine ecosystems but also the biodiversity of the marine species. When the habitats are destroyed, the number of marine organisms decreases, therefore catapulting to unsustainability in the ecological balance. This goes to show that every human activity that has negative impacts will be felt multiplicatively through direct and indirect measures. References Hylland, K. (2002, February). How [Do] Human Activities Affect Marine Biodiversity And Ecosystem Processes? Paper presented at the The EC IMPACTS Cluster First Workshop. Universite de Pau et des Pays de l’Adour, Pau cedex, France. Retrieved April 2, 2009 from http://web. univ-pau. fr/impacts/Theme2part1. pdf. Millennium Ecosystem Assessment. (2003). Ecosystems and Human Well-being: A Framework for Assessment. Washington DC: Island Press.

Friday, August 30, 2019

Problem solution essay about teenage pregnacy Essay

The teenage pregnancy rate for 1997 rose all the way up to 62.7 percent, this was the highest it has been in years! When I first saw this fact I knew something would have to be done about it. This high pregnancy rate in teenagers is in fact a major problem, because teenagers are not responsible enough to raise a baby. There are many possible solutions to prevent teenage pregnancy like discouraging early dating, abstinence, and using birth control and condoms. Although there are all these possible solutions the pregnancy rate is still very high. So we need to evaluate the possible solutions and pick the best one to grow on to help lower the teenage pregnancy rate. What has caused the teenage pregnancy rate to get so high? One reason for such a high rate is the solutions people suggest that teenagers use to prevent getting pregnant. Society tells teenagers over and over these solutions that are simply unacceptable to most teenagers. Also the lack of information on pregnancy also causes this higher rate, because teenage girls are not informed enough about how hard being pregnant really is. Most teenagers are smart enough to know that if they engage in having sexual intercourse they have the chance of getting pregnant. They do not realize how big of a life altering change having a baby is though. Possible solutions to help prevent pregnancy are discouraging early dating, abstinence, and using birth control and condoms. Although there are all these solutions not all of them are really reasonable to teenagers. Such as discouraging early dating, the reason this solution does not work is because if a parent tells their teenagers they cannot date they will still do it behind their back. And the reason that abstinence is really not a good solution is because sometime or another a teenager is going to try having sex no matter what their parents tell them. Abstinence is like telling a little kid not to try candy. Teenagers undergo too much peer pressure to avoid having intercourse one time or another through their teenage years. So really the only good solution to help prevent teenage pregnancy is using birth control and condoms. The reason this solution is better than the rest is because it takes away almost all the chance of becoming pregnant there is. Even if the teenager is having intercourse if the girl is taking birth  control and if the boy is using condoms there is a very little chance that becoming pregnant is possible. The way to get more teenagers using birth control and condoms is to inform them about how effective they really are and how well they will work for them if the decide on having sexual intercourse. Birth control is 98 percent effective and so are condoms, so putting the two protections together is highly effective. Teenagers need to know how easily they can become pregnant and they also need to know how hard having a baby would be. The solutions are not drastic. Discouraging early dating and abstinence are some solutions that are not highly effective and the main solution to help prevent pregnancy is using birth control and condoms as long as we get this solution out to the kids and inform them about these methods of protection. The pregnancy rate in teenagers is much to high so these solutions need to start being carried out so this rate is lowered drastically. Most teenagers really do not understand how big of a life change they will undergo if pregnancy enters their life.

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Annotated bibliography Essay Example for Free (#7)

Annotated bibliography Essay Source 1: Summarize: This article discusses how big of an impact Steve Jobs has on the economy we live in today. Apple is a multi-billion dollar company. It has more financial ammo than most sovereign countries, by financial ammo I mean it has much more money than others companies in sovereign countries. Apple trumps the Gross domestic production of Denmark, Thailand, and Greece, which makes the company a true power house in today’s Society. If someone were to ask me what this article is about, I would tell them it explains in detail the impact Steve jobs had on the global economy. Mr. Jobs affected many countries from japan to the United States in a multitude of ways. Assess: This source is useful because it exemplifies the impact of Steve jobs from the Economic perspective. This source is very reliable because it is covered with update information and it is an original written article. The author of this article is not biased; the article exhibits both pros and cons. The goal of this article is to explain the impact Steve jobs had on the economy. Reflection: This source is genuinely helpful to me because it brings forth perfect points that I can connect to while I write my paper. It states how apple affects not only the United States Economy but other countries’ economies as well. This article helps my argument because it says that Steve jobs have a very big effect on the economy. An example of this is in the stock market, when Steve jobs stepped down as CEO of apple, the stock market dropped 5 percent. That is a bona-fide example of how he affects the economy in contrast to the prime Minister of Japan. Source 2: Summarize: This article predominantly talks about how Apple is a major economy innovator. In the last 11 years, apple has come out with 3 products that have completely changed the market. The iPod, iPhone, and iPad. Apple has provided ways to effortlessly surf the internet anywhere anyone wants to, with a beautiful design. Apple has basically created its own mobile generation. Apple has demonstrated that even though the economy is strict, consumers are willing to pay for a â€Å"must have gadget†. Assess: This source is ideally useful because it describes how apple has surpassed its  competitors. Within the last 11 years apple has come out with 3 products that have changed the economy not only in the United States but in other countries too. The information presented in this article is reliable, because all the information is authentic. Also this article is not biased; it shows both the pros and con of the affects Apple has on the economy. The goal of this source is to show how Steve jobs affected the economy in various countries. Reflection: This source will be used to represent how much money Steve jobs generates and how people are willing to do to get this â€Å"must have product†. For an example there was a near-riot in Beijing when customers could not buy the latest iPhone. This source is useful to me because it shows how Steve jobs effects the economy, again when your product runs out and it starts a riot, it is clearly affecting the economy of that region. The source will shape my argument because it helps me show people just how much of an affect Steve Jobs has on the economy, his products are so well loved that if there aren’t any left people start to riot over it. Global Politics: Source 1: Summarize: This article mainly discuses the comment made by President Obama. As Steve Jobs was speaking, President Barack Obama interrupted and asked him â€Å"what would it take to make iPhones in the United States?Why can’t that work come home?† He said that because apple was saying that their products were made in the United States but practically all of the 70 million iPhones, 30 million iPads and 59 million other products that Apple produce were sold last year, were manufactured overseas. Mr. Jobs responded withâ€Å"Those jobs aren’t coming back.† He said that because 700,000 people engineer and build and assemble apple parts, in addition to the 43,00 people apple employs in the United States and the 20,000 they employ overseas. Nearly none of those 700,000 people live in the United states, they work in other countries. Some part of the iPhone are American. The software for the iPhone, for instance, and its marketing campaigns were created in the United States. Apple recently built a $500 million data center in North Carolina.â€Å"Also another advantage for Apple was that China provided engineers at an extent the United States could not Annotated bibliography. (2016, May 23). We have essays on the following topics that may be of interest to you

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Career Opportunities for Future Professional Marketing Experts Essay - 163

Career Opportunities for Future Professional Marketing Experts - Essay Example It is important to identify the target market to identify the needs of the customer and meet the needs effectively. Hence, the knowledge learned in marketing will provide an important insight into my position at the oil company that will enable my career in the oil company to progress. In my position, I will involve various marketing strategies such as the provision of quality products to customers. The oil company provides a range of products such as oil and gas. Therefore as a marketer, the credibility of the products offered should be effective to the consumers of the product. In Saudi Arabia, there are different oil companies and therefore in order to gain market advantage in that region, the oil company should provide a wide range of quality products to its consumers. Hence, the market strategies that I will employ in my position within the Saudi Arabian oil company will be important in attaining the goals and objectives of the oil company. At the same time, these strategies will be essential in my career progression and application of the knowledge learned in marketing will provide important insight in my position at the oil company that will enable my career in the oil company to progress.  

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Communication Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Communication - Research Paper Example A home-maker can get cooking lessons as well as learn website designing, managing her kids and household. This surely indicates the capacity of online learning in changing lifestyles. The technology of ‘online learning or e-learning’ has reconstructed the perception of learning and education. Online learning is a concept that keeps evolving into more comprehensive modes of facilitating the learning experience with the help of new technologies. As online learning also includes different types of learning processes like instructor-led, blended and self-paced, it has become the most sought after medium for knowledge acquisition. This new age learning platform has indeed created a tremendous impact on learning and development across professional and academic fields. Online learning or e-learning modules are implemented in work places for training purposes as well as in the academic world for comprehensive and experiential learning. It has also given way to a competitive know ledge and learning industry. Definition of Online Learning Online learning or e-learning is a systematic process of delivery of instructional material and the assessment of learners with the help of internet tools and resources (Michigan Merit Curriculum, p 1) and tailored to meet the needs of the individual or the organization (Learning Solutions, p 2). The learning system can best be understood by asking the three essential questions: 1. What is online learning? 2. How is it different from actual classroom learning? 3. Why has online learning become popular? What is online learning? Online learning is learning provided by the digital medium or the computer. It is a deviation from the real time classroom learning experience where the medium of knowledge delivery is the teacher or the instructor. However, nowadays, online learning too provides the option for instructor facilitated learning sessions. But an instructor led virtual session is way different from the real classroom learn ing experience. What does it do? Online learning is all forms of learning that take place via electronic medium; hence it is also called e-learning. The focus of online learning is to make the learning process effective and interesting so that the learner gets curious and drawn to participation in the learning activities. Keeping to the objective of the learner-centric model, online learning integrates different learning styles for different learners for easy and stress free learning experience. An online learning module includes audio, video and text options to deliver the learning content and the lesson is so planned that it gives ample scope for learners to stay active throughout (Learning Solutions p4). How is online learning different from its older counterpart classroom learning? The difference lies in the medium of delivery, which is the biggest factor in understanding the learning system. To access online learning or be part of this learning industry, one has to understand t he conditions that work for effective learning to take place through this digital medium. For instance, one is participating in an online training session conducted by an instructor in a collaborative learning environment along with the facilities of hearing and seeing the instructor through video-conferencing. In this case, the learner can see, hear and interact with the instructor just like in a real classroom. Apparently there seems to be no difference between the two modes of learning but obviously the difference is in the

Monday, August 26, 2019

Antibiotic Resistant Bactria Lab Report Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Antibiotic Resistant Bactria - Lab Report Example Through natural selection mechanism, the organisms that survive the killer antibiotic give rise to a new generation of resistant bacteria. This article analyzes various ways on how the menace of drug resistance can be curbed. To achieve the objectives, the article focuses on research done by experts on the issues and possibilities of mending any loopholes in the research so as to eliminate cases of drug resistance. Available data in the heath sector shows that some of the diseases that medical practitioners used to cure with ease are becoming more expensive and difficult to cure. Moreover, the WHO (world health organization) has a recently been announcing the rising trend in the demand of new types of antibiotic. In this, the global body claims that the existing antibiotics have consistently been failing to eliminate some microorganisms, Ochiai (2011). The data has clearly indicated that the cases of drug resistance by microbial is on a rising spree. Though the data is consistent with the many deaths resulting from formerly curable diseases, experts have not been able to provide sufficient evidence of new resistant mechanisms apart from the ancient rationale of gene resistance, p. 158. To close the information gap, Collins (2002) suggests that researchers have to find out a justification for the new resistance mechanism. Among the many techniques that used to eliminate cases of drug resistance, completion of antibiotic dosage has proved to be quite reliable. Shnayerson & Plotkin (2003) declare that when a patient successive undergoes a complete antibiotic therapy, microbial is given little time to mutate. In the circumstance that the treatment is not completed, a new generation of bacteria that cannot be eliminated with that particular drug would begin p.526. On the other hand, introduction of a mild form of bacteria in the form of vaccination has failed to curb resistance. Coates (2012) asserts that the immune

Red Star The First Bolshevic Utopia is a dystopia rather than a utopia Essay

Red Star The First Bolshevic Utopia is a dystopia rather than a utopia because martian people exploited all their planets's resouces and planned to erradicate and colonize on another planet - Essay Example In addition, the novel is radical in nature in that, it shows how readers of utopia may consider a success; yet do not understand what the author meant (Aldridge 23-24). The red star written in 1905, at that time, socialism had already existed for several years in Mars in that, the inhabitants of Mars had sent expeditions to earth with the hopes of creating contacts between the two civilizations. It is interesting to note that the Martians feared cementing their relationship with people from the earth, so they decided to find earthling with good advanced and flexible constitution to hijack and take them back to Mars in order to acquaint him with the Martian civilization and culture, and at the end, return him to earth as their emissary. Their emissary, Leonid is convinced of the significance of the mission for which the Martians have picked him and on his expedition, he learns the Martians culture and history. While touring the schools, factories, museums and research institutions of Mars, Leonid is convinced that the Martian people were superior to those people on earth. He is convinced of the superiority of socialism over the capitalism that still reigns on Earth (Bognadov 16-18). The tour of Mars is used to express the maturity of socialist society including advanced science, planned economy and collectivism. Further, Leonid realizes that in Mars, there is no distinction between sexes. During his stay in Mars, Leonid realized that the Martian people do not harbor good intentions towards his native planet in contrary to what he thought. The Martian people planned an invasion of the Earth and extermination of its people in order to exploit their natural resources. The red star is used to represent the Russian workers with visible model for their revolutionary strivings. On the other hand, in Mars, at first glance, it does not appear to be a socialist utopia in that, most of the objectives of the Europeans has been accomplished

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Religious diveristy Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Religious diveristy - Research Paper Example Moreover, the author will be supporting the stand for religious diversity in the country on the basis of respect for individual rights, knowledge of good and evil and the treatment of diverse choices like commodities (Wuthnow 76). According to Wuthnow (Wuthnow & Myers), America claims to have been built on Christianity when in fact religion already existed even before Christopher Columbus discovered the land. This has caused the problem we have today because of the information instilled in the American minds that the country progressed economically, technologically as well as other aspects where the nation succeeded, because of Christianity. These days, the modern American now assumes the right to insist on his/her belief in the Christian God and disregards the other religions as exemplified by the then presidential candidate George Bush who was reported to have claimed that only Christians have a place in heaven to which his own mother did not agree with (Wuthnow & Myers). This reck less comment gained Bush a number of enemies at least when it comes to religious discussions with the Muslims, Jews, Hindus and other religions. Just this example may probably suffice to represent the tension experienced in America because of individual religious convictions. Being a political leader, the aforementioned statement of Bush has been unwittingly uttered because knowing the laws, he should have borne in mind the spirit of democracy which is freedom and in this freedom is included the respect for individual rights to religion (Balmer). It is unwise for an individual, not to mention a political leader to try to coerce somebody to conversion by scaring them about heaven or hell. People have individual rights and they have the right to choose so that proselytizing would not be a good means of sharing one’s faith but as one preacher once said, faith is not a matter to argue upon but is a gift to be shared. If an individual thinks his religion is the right one, then he should share the reasons why he has such convictions. If his reasons are acceptable enough for his prospect, then that person will have all the right to have the freedom to choose or to reject the religion even if he is fully convinced of a person’s convictions and arguments. The second argument to be discussed is the belief that people have the ability to distinguish good from evil on the basis of their common experience as human beings, regardless of race, ethnicity, nationality or religion (Wuthnow 76). This is in relation to the right to religion, leaving the person to choose the beliefs he wants to embrace, trusting that they are able to make wise choices. Salvation is a choice and should not be insisted. It can be encouraged but not forced nor become a threat to an individual, like he does not have the capacity to decide for himself. The third argument is that diverse choices are like commodities (Wuthnow 76), where when there are more choices, a person can have a choic e that would really fit his/her needs and satisfy individual expectations. For instance, where there is a wider selection of clothes there is the greater possibility that the one that best suits a customer can be found. Correspondingly, diversity in religion will allow a person to choose

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Introduction to Business Law Master Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Introduction to Business Law Master - Essay Example Therefore, to avoid problems, it is necessary that international corporations, or business forms which intend to expand internationally, have an understanding of the sources of international law and the function of the relevant international organizations. International law, according to the Cambridge professor of international relations and law, Malcolm Shaw (2003), is derived from four sources. These sources are international conventions and treaties, customary law and commonly accepted practices, conventional law as defined and implemented by nation-states and judicial interpretations and decisions, as would establish a rule of precedent (pp. 44-46). As Shaw (2003) further explains, international law can basically be understood as comparable to national laws but implemented over the international community, as opposed to the national one (p. 48). Identifying the sources of international law is the first step towards understanding how the mentioned can influence international business. As regards the first source, which is international or bilateral treaties and conventions, it has a direct impact on international business if the treaties in question are relevant to trade and investment. For example, some nations have laws which specify the areas of investment and business which foreigners can engage in.

Friday, August 23, 2019

Behavior Modification and Alcoholism Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Behavior Modification and Alcoholism - Essay Example At first it provided me a sense of relief but a point came when the distress began to mount all over again. People start the habit of drinking due to many reasons which mainly include emotional distress. According to some theories drinking of alcohol provides relief to increasing stress. (Cooper et al., 1988) A time comes when a person has feels like evading himself from the reality that is the time when he has the urge of drinking.(Wills and Hirky, 1996). Drinking of alcohol is commonly found amongst the new young generation. This is because young people start the drinking process thinking that it would lead to the betterment of their frame of mind. (Frone and Windle, 1997) Recent research has proved that avoiding alcohol at times can lead to the usage of more alcohol. (Wunschel et al., 1993) To further prove this a ten year model research was conducted to find out about the relationship between alcohol consumption and the coping up with emotional distress. The ten year model showed that if drinking helped in coping with the emotional distress the consumption of alcohol increased but if it did not the consumption decreased. (Holahan, Moos, Holahan, Cronkite , & Randall 2001) The relationship between a child and parent is an important one and the parent is a great source of influence for the child. Through the observation of ancestral and parental habits children pick up the influential practices. Observing my parents had a great impact on me and it gave me a reason to start the practice of drinking. (Greeley et al., 1983) Research has shown that the relationship of drinking between parents and children is highly related. (D. Herd 1994) The environment I worked in played another major role in the adopting of the habit of drinking. Due to working stress and other factors including accessibility of alcohol during working hours I was tempted to drink excessively. Research has suggested that the availability of alcohol during working hours is a factor for excessive drinking. Easy to get alcohol and drinking it with all the friends together during the working hours is supposed to be really easy for the working people. The factor of drinking with friends had a great influence on me and I being a social person liked drinking alcohol with them. In order to avoid drinking in the work places management took grave measures. Competition of drinking with friends while working and the amount of alcohol you can drink as compared to others is a usual sight in the office. Nowadays the labor unions and the management gave salary cuts to employees and formulated a strict scheme against excessive alcohol drinking during working hours. These measures gave a blow to my financial flow but I coped up by reducing the level of drinking during work hours. This scheme has been successful to quite a level but it requires a further amendment and realization of the environmental factors involved in the availability of alcohol at work places. (Ames, & Grube 1999). Nowadays alcohol abuse and the excessive usage of it is leading to deaths and society failure. This is either through the reckless driving after getting drunk or because of the after effects which are lethal to the consumer of alcohol. Today in the modern world little governments are taking strong measures to limit the usage

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Presidential Election of 1828 Essay Example for Free

Presidential Election of 1828 Essay A rematch between two bitter rivals, Andrew Jackson and John Quincy Adams, the presidential election of 1828 was highlighted by the split of electoral votes in New York and Maryland. Andrew Jackson had swept through the west, gaining every single state, and even got Pennsylvania. The winner from the election of 1824 by the ‘corrupt’ bargain, John Q. Adams, had gained the support of all the northeast states. However, the real surprise was the split electoral votes in Maryland and New York. The northern states loved Adams because he favored elites and their manufacturing industries. The south and west favored Jackson because he believed in equal opportunity for any citizen of the United States of America. Two states, Maryland and New York, did not give all their electoral votes to either Adams or Jackson, but were divided equally among the two. The reason for this split was both states were divided into districts that all had one vote. These districts could settle on who they wanted to give their electoral vote to. In every single other state, the electoral votes were decided upon by the state legislature, and once decided, all the electoral votes would be given to one candidate. However, in lone New York, the whole state could back Adams, but if one small self-sufficient farmer district wanted Jackson, then they could award their one electoral vote exclusively for him. So, if there was a dispute in states with a system like New York, the electoral vote could be split. The split between these two states showed how divided and diverse one state could be. If one little district went against the majority, it changes where the electoral votes are distributed, and can thus change the outcome of the election. New York and Maryland proved that one little group can make a large difference. These small changes made the election of 1828 unique, and actually exemplified how dissimilar one state’s people could be.

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Higher education Essay Example for Free

Higher education Essay Education â€Å"Knowledge is power† as Focault stated. This quote is commonly used to define not only the importance of knowledge and its effect, but ones decision to attain knowledge demonstrates power of developing knowledge. Education is one of the main factors in attaining knowledge. Education serves and effects society in numerous of ways. The influence of educational institutions, the structure it has on children and adolescents, the control education has on society, how education transform lives , and the social benefits that comes with having a higher education. Education may be defined as the process by which a society transmits knowledge, values, norms, and ideologies from young people to adult roles. The influence of educational institutions is one example of how education affects our society. According to the article â€Å"Universal Education†, Mr. Gatto states â€Å"School is the first impression children get out of an organized society. Like most first impressions, it lasts† (N. P). To me, this statement clearly represents not only how school is an educational institution influencing the lives of many, but how Gatos express that schools are a part of the children’s socialization process in development (1 ). Our youth, which is considered the future of our society, develop some their values and learning processes from institutions. School is very crucial and necessary in a child’s upbringing, because it takes the child from childhood and prepares them for adult activities. Institutions serve as a backbone to create, maintain order, and control our environment which entails the rules and monitoring systems. Schools have provided a structured system with policies, and procedures that influence the youth. Educational institutions help create a social world for children. One of the main factors of education is that its structures the lives of children and adolescents. Education gives an opportunity to enhance careers and skills for beneficial purposes. That is why schools prepare students to be effective economic competitors, reliable workers for employers, and well-adjusted individuals. In â€Å"Letters to a Young Brother†, Mr. Harper states â€Å"Since the key to staying in the game is education, it is essential that you take control of your relationship with school† (56). This statement clearly shows Harper’s affirmation about the bond between one’s education and financial success. Mr. Harper expounds greatly on the importance of education and how it influences and affects the life of young adolescents. Schools shape the life of a child from childhood years well into adulthood. For instance, the beginning years of school develops the child’s interactions and social skills. In one’s early school years, one learns how to read, write, and how to develop key social skills that one will utilize for a life long period. Even in adulthood, education affects our lives, because of the careers available and the amount of one’s salary tends to increase with the completion of academic programs and degrees. Education also motivates, pushes our youth to do better, and want to amount something professional in their lifetime. Education has a major control on society as a whole. Educational institutions affect not only our surroundings, but the daily lives of all people within that society. In my opinion, every neighborhood should contain some sort of institutions, whether it’s a community college, high school, or even an elementary school. Education improves lives and minds, and offers more opportunities and possibilities. Our education system embeds our youth with a structure of discipline, and knowledge that will be utilized for further advancement in one’s life. On a collective note, our institution of education reinforces the statuses of the larger society. Some parents are affected and play a major role in the child’s school life. For example I maintain a safe environment for my seven year old son. I show interest in his progress at school, help him with his homework, explain the value of a good education him , and I also stay touch with teachers and school staff . The main reason I created such partnerships is because I understand how important is education and I know it will help him succeed in school, and in later life. The key to a bright and successful future for the youth is through the education they get at school, but they also need resources at home to support them. Parent involvement in children’s education allows kids to perform better in school Education is the key to creating opportunity and changing lives. â€Å"The unemployment rate for people who have never gone to college is more than double (10 percent) what it is for those who have gone to college (4. 5 percent)† (qtd. in Hawkins N. P. ). These statistics make it clear that completing some form of higher education is the best tool to meet the challenges of a 21st century economy. Education is a productive and beneficial factor in a person’s life. The benefits of a college education are evident; higher salaries and lower unemployment rates. â€Å"Cities with a higher percentage of college graduates have lower crime rates† (qtd. in Hawkins N. P). Criminal offenders often have low levels of education. Statistics shows only 35 percent of inmates in U. S. correctional facilities have earned a high school diploma, compared to 82 percent of the general population. Young people with insufficient education are immensely found within the criminal justice system. Education provides opportunities to reduce crime, by helping children to gain knowledge, skills, and character that help them avoid criminal activity. I think education is one the most auspicious means we have of preventing and reducing crime A college education is essential in today’s society to earn a job. A College degree will open the door of opportunity in ways that will increase your potential in landing a great job in the field of preferred study. The more knowledge and experience one holds, the more willing employers are to furnish better positions in the company, and enhanced pay raises or bonuses. Having a college degree tells your current or prospective employer a lot. First, students gain a wealth of knowledge in school. Spending two or four years immersed in a program dedicated to your job field, arms you with the knowledge you’ll need from day one on the job. Employers know that if you’ve got a degree, you won’t need as much training as those without one. A degree also gives you a different perspective of the industry than that of someone without a diploma. Having a college degree makes the employee more valuable to a company (Cunningham, N.P). Your job relies on the amount of education youve received and have achieved in subjects. Math can help you out in money in shops; you can become a successful shop accountant or a bank accountant. English helps you with your daily communicating skills; you can become a successful lawyer, English made writers like James Patterson and Steven King. Science is included in our daily lives, when you water plants, make a cup of tea, freezing food; you could become a scientist, doctor, chemist. Science made people like Einstein. Even if you dont want a job, you need to have some sort of knowledge of the world. Education is the path to success; it benefits individuals, families, and communities (Harper, 106). â€Å"College graduates are statistically more likely to have healthy children and to be involved with their children’s education both inside and outside of school. Studies have also found that there is a correlation between a womans education, and the health of her children. Thusly, having a college degree is related to good health in parents, and learning readiness in children. For instance, more than 90 percent of preschoolers whose mothers are college graduates are read to at least three times a week, compared to 76 percent of their counterparts whose mothers are high school graduates†(qtd. in Cunningham N. P). Higher income is one out of many benefits of having a higher education, people with more education tend to have more leisure time and better outcomes for their children, and improved quality of life in general. For example, they are more likely to have jobs that provide health insurance and retirement benefits than workers without college education. In conclusion, â€Å"School is a great gift our society offers you. It provides the key for your future† (Torres, 160). Educational institutions serve as a major influential force in society and the lives of both children and parents. Schools are organized networks of socializing experiences, which prepare individuals to act in society. Education structures the lives of many, whether it’s a child, adolescents, or adults. Education is very meaningful in the upbringing of a child, and plays a significant role in his/her life. Education educates individuals, such that they prefer not to engage in crime. College-educated adults engage more frequently in educational activities with their children. A college degree proves to an employer that you’re devoted to your career, and serves as proof that you’re knowledgeable and qualified in your field. Essentially, higher earnings are one of the important outcomes of higher education. It is imperative you have an advanced education if you want to be successful. Work citation Cunningham, Alisa. The Broader Societal Benefits of Higher Education. the Solutions For Our Future Project†. The Institute for Higher Education Policy, Washington, D. C. , N. D. Web. 29 Oct 2012. Gatto, Taylor John. Universal Education. Yes Magazine, yesmagazine. org. 02 1998. Web. 29 Oct 2012. Harper, Hill. Letters To a Young Brother. New York, N. Y: Penguin group USA Inc. , 2006. 56-105. Print. Hawkins, Mary. Reinventing Your Life with Education: The Larry Crowne Effect. †. pickthebrain. com, 07 2011. Web. 29 Oct 2012. Torres, Jose. A letter to a Child Like Me. Trans. Array Across Cultures: A Reader For Writers. Sheena Gillespie and Robert Becker. 8th. Ed. USA: Pearson, Inc. , 2011. 160-164. Print.

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

UK Identity Cards and Civil Liberties

UK Identity Cards and Civil Liberties â€Å"The introduction of identity cards in the UK infringes upon our human rights and civil liberties whilst actually doing very little to counter crime and terrorism† Discuss Contents Abstract Introduction Chapter One – Surveillance as a means of crime prevention counter terrorism 1.1 Is surveillance needed for crime prevention? 1.2 Is surveillance needed for counter terrorism? Chapter Two – Increased surveillance – the viability of data retention 2.1 Data retention and identity cards 2.2 Is data retention a positive thing? 2.3 The scope of data retention laws Chapter Three – Has the introduction of the identity cards scheme served to breach individual human rights and civil liberties regarding privacy in the same way as other forms of surveillance? 3.1 The right to personal privacy 3.2 Are human rights and civil liberties effectively recognised domestically? 3.3 How far is the right to personal privacy recognised in law? 3.4 How does the ICA 2006 fit into understanding human rights and civil liberties? Conclusion Bibliography The aim of this study is to consider whether the introduction of identity cards in the UK would indeed infringe upon our human rights and civil liberties, whilst also looking to determine whether it would actually be an effective way of combating crime and terrorism. Therefore, this paper will look to consider the enactment of the Identity Cards Act (‘ICA’) 2006 and the problems that are likely to arise from the introduction of the proposed scheme. Then, it will also be necessary to consider the background to the enactment of the ICA 2006 by putting this development into context with a consideration of Closed Circuit Television (‘CCTV’) and the development of data retention surveillance techniques used to gather information about people with the aim to prevent crime and counter terrorism. However, this paper will also look to recognise the legal reasoning used to justify this kind of surveillance and information gathering that, although contrary to the recognition of the human rights and civil liberties of individuals, is considered necessary to guard the interest of society as a whole against the threat of terrorism and serious crime. But, at the same time, this paper will also recognise this kind of surveillance may actually be doing very little to counter terrorism and serious crime and is not only breaching people’s recognised human rights and civil liberties, but also criminalizing the population and breaking the law in the process. Then, finally, in summation it will be necessary to look to conclude with a balanced and logical overview of this discussion effectively derived from an understanding of the issues covered to present a reasoned view regarding this issue. At the end of 2006, legislation was passed domestically in this country in relation to the introduction of identity cards throughout the UK in the form of the ICA 2006 as a means of crime prevention and counter terrorism. But, interestingly, in spite of its apparently noble intentions, the ICA 2006 is seen by many as only ‘enabling legislation’ that merely provides the legal framework around which the scheme of identity cards is to be developed and it does not purport to provide details of every aspect of the schemes overall operation[1]. This is because the Act itself proposed the use of biometric identity cards[2] to establish and maintain a database of information called the National Identity Register (‘NIR’) on all individuals currently residing within the UK in support of ongoing efforts to help prevent terrorism or serious crimes from occurring[3] by allowing for an easy means to ascertain and prove an individual’s identity[4]. Therefore, the en actment of this legislation meant both private and personal companies could access this register to confirm an individual’s identity or simply check the accuracy of their information. However, this policy is not without its problems. This is because whilst sections 19 and 23 of the ICA 2006 only permit access to records without consent if it is in the interests of national security or for purposes connected with the prevention or detection of crime, the legislation allows for information to be added without the individuals’ knowledge with the aim of eventually having fifty pieces of an individual’s personal information on their card that would then be stored on the aforementioned database with the NIR[5]. But despite the fact many critics argue the NIR will allow the government to monitor and record almost every aspect of a person’s life, almost all of the information listed in Schedule 1 of the ICA 2006 as being required that includes signature, photograph from a passport, name and address (both current and previous), date of birth and national insurance number for this purpose is already in the government’s possession and everyone has the right to see what information is held about them. Nevertheless, there is a fear that ‘hackers’ are bound to attempt to gain access to the NIR database in the same way as in the US, in April 2005, when it was reported Reed Elsevier may have accidentally released the personal information of 310,000 US citizens during 59 separate criminal incidents[6]. It is perhaps little wonder then that the scheme to be developed under the ICA 2006 has led to a great deal of criticism from various organisations. Economists, in particular, have argued that such a scheme would be excessively expensive for what they believe to be somewhat limited results in view of the fact that whilst government estimates have put the cost of the scheme’s introduction alone at around  £6 billion pounds[7], a group of analysts at the London School of Economics consider the figure to be closer to  £18 billion that must ultimately come out of the public’s pocket through taxation[8]. Therefore, whilst the use of identity cards brought about by the enactment of the ICA 2006 could be considered the latest advancement of surveillance technology with the legitimate aim of preventing crime and counter terrorism, question marks remain over whether this kind of policy is an acceptable tool in view of the need to recognise individual human rights and civil liberties[9]. But this is not the first time that the legitimacy of surveillance has been called into question, despite its aims to prevent crime and counter terrorism, so it is necessary to look to consider whether the use of this kind of surveillance technology has achieved anything in this regard. â€Å"Every man should know that his conversations, his correspondence, and his personal life, are indeed private.† Lyndon B Johnson 1908-1973 – President of the United States of America In spite of Lyndon B. Johnson’s view ostensibly in support of Mill[10], the use of surveillance techniques has become increasingly widespread with the passing of time because technology in this area has advanced at such a pace that even the public at large is becoming ever more aware that surveillance no longer simply refers to the work of spies in Ian Fleming novels. The word itself in French literally means ‘watching over’[11] and, in this context, refers to all forms of observation or monitoring of another for public or private purposes. Now, however, most people are aware such techniques are used by law enforcement agencies, business and even private individual so as to gain useful information in relation to the activities of suspected criminals and terrorists where a threat is perceived leading to an eventual arrest where it is warranted[12]. In particular they are usually most commonly aware of the use of CCTV cameras on buildings and in shops. But the use o f identity cards is just another means of surveillance as its production and use will effectively act like a form of tracking whereby the authorities and private and public organisations will gain yet another insight into the private lives of individuals by creating a verifiable ‘document trail’ that the authorities can follow. 1.1 Is surveillance needed for crime prevention? The UK leads the world in the concentration of public surveillance devices to people[13]. This is because, about ten years ago, the UK government used  £150 million each year to develop a Closed-Circuit Television (‘CCTV’) network around the country[14] so that the industry grew exponentially throughout the 1990’s so, by 2003, at least two and a half million cameras could be found in this country[15] that continues to increase at around 20% per year[16]. The ‘net effect’ is substantial. It is widely believed everyone in London is caught on camera at least three hundred times each day[17] and very often these cameras do not just watch and record us, but also use facial recognition software to scan subjects against a criminal database[18]. Although statistical evidence is somewhat limited in relation to the effectiveness of surveillance technology in view of the fact there is usually much more to crime prevention and counter terrorism[19], the authorities downplay this negative element and emphasise the positive where a security issue of national significance is resolved. Such a view is effectively illustrated by the fact whilst the police review of CCTV tapes played a significant role in identifying a suspected terrorist handler involved in the bombing of King’s Cross in July 2005[20], there remains a prevailing view that, if anything, crime levels have stayed the same or even increased despite the widespread installation of CCTV cameras. National statistics have shown that, whilst around three quarters of the Home Office Crime Prevention budget has generally spent on CCTV, a comprehensive review has revealed the overall reduction in crime was only around 5% by 2002[21] and has continued to make small incremental reductions nationally ever since[22]. But as a stark mark of the success of CCTV in preventing crime, a parallel systematic review found that street lighting saw a reduction in crime of 20%, whilst CCTV cameras usefulness is then further marked against because it is understood that only around 3% of all street robberies in London are solved using CCTV footage[23]. Interestingly, however, in Portsmouth the City Council released crime statistics for the first three months of 2008 that showed that of 1384 recorded incidents this led to 346 arrests that were recorded by the network of 172 CCTV cameras in Portsmouth and marked this out as mark of their usefulness as crime solving tool[24], whilst, in Newham, police claimed an 11% drop in assaults, a 49% drop in burglary, and a 44% drop in criminal damage[25] where cameras were installed[26]. However, as well as possibly being merely an aberration in our understanding of the overall usefulness of CCTV cameras and surveillance technology as a whole, the source of the statistics is a branch of government. Therefore, unfortunately, this may mean the results have been embellished to present CCTV as being a good use of public money and, even where this is not the case, the police may have made the same number of arrests anyway so that it is somewhat surprising that the cameras have such support to enforc e the law[27]. 1.2 Is surveillance needed for counter terrorism? However, since the tragic events of 9/11 in the US, such action is also justified because it is arguable this led to the establishment of a renewed approach to surveillance in the interests of national and international security across the world. Therefore, 9/11 effectively served to reveal terrorist groups had organised themselves ‘transnationally’ making it harder to trace them using traditional surveillance techniques[28]. As a result, whereas in the past, terrorist groups could be readily categorised by reference to territory, this is no longer the case because, organised on a global scale, these loosely affiliated ‘cells’ can operate simultaneously in various States. This is because they are not unified by a single vertical command but horizontally[29] by using modern communication and transportation technology, whilst the integration of financial markets also facilitates their mobility and range of targets without claiming a particular territory as â €˜home’[30]. On this basis, globally, countries realised they had a shared interest in enhancing international co-operation to fight terrorism because of the fear groups may be in possession of non-conventional weapons such as biological, chemical and nuclear[31]. Therefore, the international community must work together because such a threat cannot be vanquished by single States alone[32], as the UN recognises certain States being unable or unwilling to prevent or stop the traffic of such weapons means â€Å"the ability of non-State actors to traffic in nuclear material and technology is aided by ineffective State control of borders and transit through weak States†[33]. Clearly, the international community must hold together to find effective solutions because, although 9/11 undoubtedly showed the world that even the leading democracy was not safe from terrorist attacks. Whereas in the past a series of diplomatic, economic and financial measures nationally to fight terrorist structures[34], to multiply the effect of such measures, States agreed to co-operate internationally by using treaty law with around a dozen multilateral conventions on anti- and counter-terrorism[35]. Therefore, in theory, no terrorist activity would go unpunished[36]. But the UN has struggled since its inception to formulate an effective response. On the one hand, it has provided a solid international legal framework for combating terrorism via the adoption of terrorism-related treaties by the General Assembly and UN agencies. But, on the other hand, the UN has been unable to reach agreement on a definition of terrorism that outlaws all indiscriminate attacks against civilians and circumvents the need to recognise the human rights and civil liberties of the public at large, so more than twenty different parts of the UN system deal with terrorism in one form or another[37]. However, in Europe it was not until the 2004 train bombings in Madrid that the EU looked to take significant action to counter terrorism and prevent serious crime. This is because those investigating the attacks in Madrid discovered telecommunications played a significant role in planning of the attacks because they were co-ordinated by mobile phone and via the Internet. Unfortunately, however, at the time of the attacks the Spanish authorities had only limited access to help to telecommunications networks in order to further their investigations when more traditional methods of surveillance associated with the aforementioned use of CCTV were somewhat lacking[38]. This is because with the advancement of technology in this area, traditional surveillance has been made somewhat redundant by the use of Internet so that, in order to be able to effectively prevent serious crime and counter terrorism in the modern age, there is a need to utilise data retention technology. Chapter Two – Increased surveillance – the viability of data retention 2.1 Data retention and identity cards On this basis, the original justification for the ICA 2006 identity cards scheme was the supposed need to combat the serious problems of illegal working and identity fraud. This is because the government estimated identity fraud amounted to a  £1.3 billion annual loss to the UK economy[39], and the government’s first consultation paper in this area specifically eschewed many of the claims for identity cards that some other advocates suggest they would bring – such as combating terrorism, benefit fraud and crime more generally[40]. However, the draft legislation clearly presented the identity card as a device with which to combat terrorism, whilst the 2003 government’s white paper[41] emphasised the use of identity cards as an effective tool. According to Privacy International, government ministers in the UK have argued in broadcast interviews that, although the 2001 New York and 2004 Madrid[42] atrocities had been committed by people with valid US documents and Spanish identity cards respectively, many other terrorists use false identities and they also claimed the quality of the database underpinning the British scheme would be much higher than the Spanish. 2.2 Is data retention a positive thing? Nevertheless, aside from the more secure nature of the identity cards scheme proposed in the UK under the ICA 2006, this kind of data retention has previously proved to be a very positive thing that has served to enhance the lives of those living within our society. As most people are aware, such technology is already being used in the form of services that text details of the closest restaurant based on a mobile phone location when your hungry, or help to pick an exit at the next roundabout when you are lost can be very useful. But any retention of collected data is also very negative because the advantages of technology come at a price, since one person’s ‘enhanced information’ can invade another’s privacy[43]. This is because an individual’s right privacy is becoming increasingly susceptible to the advancement of technology with the introduction of ‘wiretaps’, biometrics, and video surveillance cameras all each having the potential to erode privacy[44] in the same way as identification cards, whilst digital interactive television technology may even soon tell advertisers exactly which programs people view in their homes[45]. Therefore, such advancements are clearly both beneficial and frightening[46]. This is because it is commonly understood that no modern technology derived from the development of telecommunications poses a greater threat to privacy than the Internet[47] by allowing researchers to collect data much more cheaply and efficiently[48] because what once took a great many days hard labour can now be accomplished with a keystroke[49]. But it is also important to appreciate that the remit of the Data Retention Directive[50] effectively allows EU Member States to synchronise their laws so all telephony companies and ISP companies within each and every EU Member State are obliged to retain details on all electronic communications for up to two years for the purpose of investigating, detecting and prosecuting serious crimes[51]. 2.3 The scope of data retention laws The main categories of data ‘generated and processed’ to be retained under the Data Retention Directive regarding communications are the retention of data to (a) trace and identify its source (e.g. caller); b) identify its destination (e.g. number dialled); (c) identify its date, time and duration; (d) identify its type (i.e. network or service used); (e) identify equipment (i.e. means); (f) identify that equipments location; and (g) regarding unsuccessful calls[52]. But this is somewhat controversial because ‘unsuccessful calls’ occur where a telephone call has successfully connected, but has not been answered[53]. However, whilst no data regarding the content of the communications is to be retained[54], EU Member States should also ensure data’s security is respected as a reflection of equivalent provisions for the protection of personal data in the Data Protection Directive[55]. This is because, through measures to protect data against accidental or unlawful destruction, accidental loss or alteration, or unauthorised or unlawful storage, processing, access or disclosure[56] of data is accessible by authorised personnel[57]. As part of this process, EU Member States must also have measures in place to ensure any criminal access to or transfer of data retained under the Data Retention Directive is punishable by effective penalties[58]. Therefore, the Data Retention Directive provides only data retained should be provided to the ‘competent national authorities in ‘specific cases’[59], but fails to recognise which authorities are likely to be competent and the reasons why such data may be accessed. This effectively means this could lead to uneven access to data across the EU because there is no definition of ‘specifically authorised personnel’ or ‘law enforcement authorities’, but Article 9 recognises each Member State must designate one or more public authorities to be responsible for monitoring the application of the Directive regarding security of stored data. Therefore, in the UK, the Home Office has looked to publish a set of draft Regulations in the form of the Data Retention (EC Directive) Regulations (‘Regulations’)[60] to effectively implement the Data Retention Directive’s nature and scope[61]. But the Regulations only looked to address the retention of certain call data by telephony companies because EU Member States can delay the Data Retention Directive’s implementation regarding traffic data for an additional 18 months until March of 2009[62]. Nevertheless, even before they have been implemented, the UK Regulations also nothing to allay the fears raised by human rights’ advocates regarding the EU’s Data Retention Directive because the Regulations remain as unspecific and unrestrictive as the Directive. However, domestically, the authorities have â€Å"a great deal of experience with the retention of traditional communications data† because they â€Å"have been working with the ind ustry to ensure the retention of this data since 2003, when Parliament first approved the code of practice for the voluntary retention of communications data under Part 11 of the Anti-Terrorism, Crime and Security Act 2001†[63]. Nevertheless, whilst the retention of data was voluntary under the Anti-Terrorism, Crime and Security Act (‘ATCSA’) 2001, because it was made in response to the terrorist attacks of 9/11, its voluntary code has served as the foundation for establishing a practical framework for the enforced retention of communications data so the draft regulations provide the next step towards a mandatory framework[64]. Such a view was supported by the fact that the EU set a high global standard in data privacy protection when it forged its Data Protection Directive[65], which became effective in October 1998[66], and created such a rigorous legislative approach to privacy[67]. But the ATCSA 2001 was then amended so that the purpose of such retention became â€Å"(a) for the purpose of safeguarding national security; or (b) for the purposes of prevention or detection of crime or the prosecution of offenders which may relate directly or indirectly to national security†[68] so the a ccess would then be just for limited purposes. Therefore, it is important to recognise that the UK’s Regulations have established provisions to continue with the policy of reimbursing public communications providers their expenditure from adjusting their business practices to comply with the Government’s requirements for the retention of communications data. But the interception of communications and the obtaining and disclosure of data relating to them is currently regulated by the Regulation of Investigatory Powers Act (‘RIPA’) 2000 because section 21 recognises communications data does not include the contents of the communications, but that, in the interests of national security, they may still obtain it. Consequently, the Data Retention Directive will effectively serve to augment RIPA 2000 that does not currently require the specific retention of data in advance, but the police are able to serve ‘section 22’ (‘S22’) telecommunication companies within the industry for acces s to the data that they retain. Accordingly, whilst the RIPA 2000 will only permit the interception of communications in the UK by defined bodies in specified circumstances to protect individuals’ privacy, the longer the data retention period, the greater the period of access that will provided to the authorities in the interests of security[69]. Nevertheless, ostensibly, it is to be appreciated that the RIPA 2000 is designed â€Å"to ensure that the relevant investigatory powers are used in accordance with human rights†, since it extends the legal regulation of interceptions to cover private networks that are â€Å"attached, directly or indirectly to a public telecommunications system†, and includes â€Å"anything comprising speech, music, sounds, visual images or data of any description†. Therefore, a criminal offence is not committed in the UK if the controller of a private network intercepts a communication in the course of its transmission, but section 1(3) provides that intercepti ons â€Å"without lawful authority† are still actionable under the remit provided for by the HRA 1998 that is discussed below[70]. On the basis of this understanding of data retention laws discussed in the previous chapter, it is also important to look to consider whether the scheme for identity cards proposed under the ICA 2006 based on personal data retention as a means of identification will serve to violate the recognition of individual human rights and civil liberties. This is because whilst it would clearly be hard to argue using surveillance technology to gain solid evidence for the purposes of preventing serious crime and encouraging counter terrorism is a bad thing, there is an all too prevalent need within the current climate for the striking of a balance between maintaining national security and unnecessarily invading an individual’s privacy. In spite of their legitimate aims, the introduction of identity cards in the UK could be considered to be just the latest step in the government’s efforts to encourage crime prevention and counter terrorism at the expense of the individual rights and freedoms. This is because, in the same way as other advancements in surveillance technology, identity cards are also not without their problems. There is a prevailing feeling the use of identity cards across the nation will serve to breach individual human rights and civil liberties in the same way as many other forms of surveillance. In particular, it has been argued the use of identity cards will serve to breach individual rights to privacy because of the nature of the personal data that will be stored and retained within them and on the NIR database[71]. Therefore, although there is little doubt the use of such technology for information gathering is very advantageous to help the government, the police, and even everyday people, question marks have arisen in relation to just how far surveillance technology should be used to monitor the public. Consequently, there is an argument those who use surveillance for the purposes of information gathering should take on certain responsibilities they must then uphold in view of the implementation of the ECHR into the UK via the HRA 1998. But in some ways technological advances have arguably hindered the recognition of human rights and civil liberties as much as they have helped crime prevention and counter terrorism by allowing the authorities an unprecedented look into people’s lives. 3.1 The right to personal privacy The right to personal privacy is an important right, however, it is all too easily taken for granted because, like freedom, no one really appreciates its value until it is threatened, as in this case with the enactment of the ICA[72], so that in the wake of technological advancement privacy has all too easily become an afterthought in social advancement[73]. This is a significant failing. The right to privacy should not merely be limited to the idea an individual may live their personal life how they choose. It is also meant to include the right to establish and develop relationships with other people for the development and fulfilment of one’s own personality[74], whilst sexual relations are the most intimate aspect of the right to a private life[75]. However, the right to a private life also covers an individual’s physical and moral integrity[76], encompassing protection against compulsory physical interventions and treatments[77]. Moreover, in spite of the

Monday, August 19, 2019

The Meaning of Home in The Seafarer Essays -- The Seafarer Essays

The Meaning of Home in The Seafarer  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚     Ã‚     It is important to consider the meaning of home when analyzing The Seafarer. The narrator of this poem seems to feel a sense of belonging while traveling the sea despite the fact that he is obviously disillusioned with its hardships .The main character undergoes a transformation in what he considers home and this dramatically affects his life and lifestyle. Towards the end of The Seafarer the poet forces us to consider our mortality, and seems to push the notion that life is just a journey and that we will not truly be at home until we are with God.   The first instance of a sense of home in this poem comes with the description of the former life of the narrator in his pre-seafaring days. He leaves his old life for some unspecified reason, telling us that he was "cut off from his kinsmen", and he talks about this with a definite sense of regret and loss. Winter on the sea is presented as an "exile" or "wrà ¦can"1 , a form of punishment where someone is forced to leave their homeland, the place where they belong. It seems that in the early stages of the poem the seafarer identifies his life with his kinsmen on land as his home, the place that he belongs.   At first he does not seem content with his seafaring life. During the early descriptions of his time there, it is painted as a life of hardship and penance. Images and adjectives of the sea and life there are harsh and foreboding-"ice cold", "hung round with icicles" , "fettered with frost". The sea is seen as cold, and not just in the physical sense .It is remote, a place of despair , an earthly purgatory, where there is "always anxiety †¦. as to what the Lord will bestow on him"2. The narrator is cut away from the comforts ... ... angels"6.What ever home we make for ourselves on Earth, we must keep in perspective that it is only temporary.   To conclude, there are two main opposing representations and aspects of home presented in this poem, from what is seen as the "norm", the narrators life on land, to the "favoured", the narrators life at sea. Home is irrevocably linked to lifestyle and should not just be where the heart is,(though there is a sense that our "Heart's fulfilment" is important) but should more importantly be a place where we can live a life that will bring us towards heaven, which the poem portrays as our eternal home. The Seafarer is a poem which urges us to carefully "consider where we possess our home, and then think how we com thither."  Ã‚     Works Cited   Mitchell, Bruce and Robinson, Michael A Guide To Old English, fifth edition 1992 , Blackwell Publishers , Oxford .  Ã‚  

Defense Mechanisms :: Free Essays Online

Defense Mechanisms People use defense mechanisms so often that it is perhaps difficult to pick out individual cases to deal with. Additionally, it would be markedly easier for me to look for evidence of these mechanisms within myself. However, others do display such defenses against anxiety-inducing thoughts, memories, and impulses. In the healthy range of defense mechanisms, repression is key. Simply not thinking about something for a long period of time is often quite helpful. This particular mechanism can at times be rather obvious, as when, in a discussion, a person states that he or she would 'rather not talk about this.' Of course, repression is not always this aware, but in this case it is made manifest by a conscious effort to avoid the topic. Of the neurotic defense mechanisms, humor is perhaps most seen on this campus. Self-deprecating humor helps soften the glare of our shortcomings, especially when they surface in public. Sometimes, jokes are made specific to the situation (I tripped; I'm such a clutz!) but they are often generalized. These jokes are also often not very funny, on the order of "I'm a dumbass...hahaha!" Of the psychotic coping mechanisms, denial is much more obvious than reaction formation. I can think of one specific case, a friend who set his sights too high in sending out transfer applications. As rejections have come in, my notion that he was a non-starter for most of his choices because of grades was proven correct, but this is not something that he can seem to come to terms with. He claims not to understand why myself and several other friends, with near-4.0 GPAs have gotten into several prestigious schools, while he has not. Seems like denial: an inability to face his failings. Reaction formation also interests me a lot, because it is rather counter-intuitive as a defense mechanism. I can't really identify it in others very well, but I can see it in myself. In the case of a couple of failed friendships, in which I felt hurt by the actions of the other person, I compensate for my desire to get closer to them again (which produces anxiety because I am afraid of a repeat) by being very bitter towards them and going out of my way to avoid them.

Sunday, August 18, 2019

The Great Gatsby: American Dream or American Nightmare? Essay -- The G

â€Å"The loneliest moment in someone’s life is when they are watching their whole world fall apart, and all they can do is stare blankly.† ― F. Scott Fitzgerald, The Great Gatsby The American Dream, a long standing ideal embodies the hope that one can achieve financial success, political power, and everlasting love through dedication and hard work. During the Roaring 20s, people in America put up facades to mask who they truly were. In The Great Gatsby, Fitzgerald conveys that the American Dream is simply an illusion, that is idealist and unreal. In the novel, Gatsby, a wealthy socialite pursues his dream, Daisy. In the process of pursuing Daisy, Gatsby betrays his morals and destroys himself. Through the eyes of the narrator, Nick, one sees the extent of the corruption Gatsby is willing to undertake in order to achieve his dream. Although Fitzgerald applauds the American Dream he warns against the dangers of living in a world full of illusions and deceit; a trait common during the Roaring 20s. The language and plot devices Fitzgerald uses convey that lies and facades, which were common during the Guided Age, destroys one’s own character and morals. T hrough Fitzgerald use of symbolism, expectations, and relationships, he explores the American dream, and how it is an illusion that corrupts and destroys lives. Through Fitzgerald’s symbolic description of Gatsby, he explores the extent of the American Dream’s deceptive nature that slowly destroys a person and his/her morals. During the Roaring 20s it was very common for people to project illusions to mask who they truly were; to fit in, it was almost essential to have one to survive in the highly materialistic and deceitful society. Nick is introduced as the objective narrator... Dream that becomes corrupted and leads to the ultimate failure and destruction of himself. Some say that Americans strive for the impossible goal of perfection; they live, die and do unimaginable deeds to achieve it, and when they do, they may call the product their own American Dream. The American Dream is substantial perfection. In reality, perfection does not exist, but illusions do. Those who live in a world of lies cause their own demise. Life is a series of unending imperfections. Living a dream of perfection is not possible, thus reducing our cherished American Dream to a simple fantasy. Works Cited Fitzgerald, F. Scott. The Great Gatsby. New York: Scribner, 2004. Print. â€Å"The Great Gatsby in the 21st Century.† CBC Books. CBC/ Radio-Canada. 22 August 2012. Web. 5 May 2015.

Saturday, August 17, 2019

An Analysis of The Clod and the Pebble by Sir Francis Blake Essay

â€Å"The Clod and the Pebble† Sire Francis Blake compares selfish and unselfish love through interesting and thought provoking interpretations. These viewpoints are obvious through Blake’s indication of their states of innocence and experience. His first entity, which is a clod, says, â€Å"love seeketh not itself to please†(Blake 3). The second interpretation, which is given in the form of a pebble, reasons, â€Å" Love seeketh only Self to please†(Blake 11). The clod is depicted as a selfless, passionate emotion whereas the pebble is a vain, arrogant and selfish sentiment. We can assume that the author has a lot of experiences when it comes to love, possibly writing this poem in a period of romanticism, but cannot assume he is the speaker. The different perspectives of love in the poem lead the reader to believe that there are two speakers. The Clod may perhaps be of a feminine viewpoint, which is understandable after reading â€Å"Nor for itself have any care† and â€Å"Trodden with cattle’s feet†, where love is unselfish and sacrificial (Blake 2). The pebble gives off a sense of authority gained from experiences while it mocks the innocence of the clod. The abrupt use of â€Å"But† provides a change to the sweet and harmonious tones of the first stanza, while the phrase â€Å"a pebble of the brook† represents it is a hard and unmovable object, learned from its experiences. Specific words such as â€Å"care† used by the clod and â€Å"bind† used by the pebble are what make the feminine/masculine tones understandable. The beautiful and artful personifications of the content clod and pompous pebble create a clear understanding in contrasting the representation of the selfishness and selflessness of human nature in love.

Friday, August 16, 2019

Patient Satisfaction Survey Essay

Healthcare is a very important aspect of today’s society. Thus, there is a conscious effort on the part of all stakeholders to constantly monitor the quality of healthcare services provided to patients in order to determine the need for improvement or innovation. The primary concern of this effort is the improvement of the present health condition of the people and the ethical concept of promoting life itself due to which, significant efforts and concerns are always given for the quality of healthcare services. (Fleming, 2004, 16). In order to effect this laudable goal of assessing the quality of healthcare provided by different concerned institutions, tools such as surveys are developed and used. Surveys that assess the level of satisfaction derived by patients from health care providers could be helpful for the improvement of services (Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services, 2007). On a daily basis, feedback from patients could give insight on the kind of service they experience in hospitals or other medical facilities (Kowalczyk, 2005; Fahy, 2008). Medicare, in an effort to understand the needs and experiences of patients, came up with the Patient Satisfaction Survey program. Problem Statement. In order to gain better understanding of the Patient Satisfaction Survey, as well as its effects on the behavior of professionals belonging to the health care industry, research that is based mainly on current literature is aimed to be conducted. Review of existing literature on the subject of patient satisfaction through the Medicare program called Patient Satisfaction Survey (Health Resources and Services Administration) could give substantial information on the institutions that implemented the project and feedback from different stakeholders. Such information could shed light on the effectiveness of the project vis-a-vis the intent for its launch. Patient satisfaction on the kind of service received from health care institutions like hospitals could be determined through the survey tool formulated by Medicare (Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services, 2007). Hospitals who implement the program would be able to churn out a good number of accomplished survey forms on a daily basis (Kowalczyk, 2005; Fahy, 2008). Research on data from such institutions would therefore be very helpful in gaining insight on the kind of performance that a hospital is able to give to its patients. The literature review could give answers to a lot of heretofore unanswered questions concerning various aspects of the health care industry, such as the speed with which a patient’s call is attended to by a health care professional, the degree of attention given by a physician to a patient’s concerns, and the cleanliness of health care facilities (Kowalczyk, 2005; Skehan & Petrillo, 2003). Significance of the Study  Since the Medicare Survey, particularly the questions and answers, would be posted on its website in an effort to push hospitals into improving health care and promote quality service delivery (Kowalczyk, 2005; Skehan & Petrillo, 2003), current literature could help paint a picture of the state of health services being given to patients across the United States today. Existing literature could also show how far implementation of the project has come through, especially the institutions that have adopted and enforced the program. A particular question that needs to be addressed by the literature is the effect of the survey results on the perception and belief of patients on the hospitals they choose to serve their medical needs. Thus, it is important that the facts to be gathered include tables, graphs and statistics that would show the general trend and effect of the survey results on the mindset of the patients.

Thursday, August 15, 2019

Oedipus Rex

The Oral Presentation gave me a clear idea about how and what the author was trying to convey through his book. Not being from the time period at which the play was written made it difficult to interpret what Sophocles was trying to portray. Even though the presentation clarified most of my questions, I was still left pondering certain aspects of Oedipus Rex. In the book, the main question for me was if Oedipus really had control of his life or what he being controlled by the gods and fate. When Oedipus heard the prophecy for the first time, he tried to run away from it.That gives me inkling on Oedipus that tells me he believes in the prophecy and it will come to pass. When he really does kill his father without knowing and later tried to find the killer he says â€Å"Now my curse on the murderer. Whowever he is, a lone man unknown in his crime or one among many let that man drag out his life in agony† (Sophocles, 280 – 283). In reality he places that curse on himself a nd he really did spend the rest of his life in pain and agony as well as exile. In the presentation it shows the respect Greeks gave to the gods and elder as well as to their advice and wisdom.Also since they respected the gods, who were almighty, would punish you if you resisted their will. In the book it shows that because Oedipus killed his father, the plague started and until there has been justice and the man caught for the crime, the plague will keep killing people. In the presentation, it showed us that the plague was active during the time the play was written and it transfers over to the book because the author is trying to tell us that people were losing faith and thus causing plague which scared people to pin their hope on some higher power.In the book the chorus says that â€Å"great laws tower above us† (Sophocles, 957) which shows that people considered gods as the greatest Justice. That proves the fact that they respect the gods at the highest of level. This ma kes me want to learn more about their belief as well as what the prophecy meant to them. I also want to learn more about how the belief affected their everyday life and thoughts as well. That ends my thought on what I have learned from the presentation. The reflective essay also helped clear my thoughts on what I had learned from the presentation and sort out the facts. Oedipus Rex It is edifice alt to decide whether there should be a set criteria for a hero; professors use one man's SST ROR as a basis for questioning: Oedipus Rexes. Sophocles' play explores the adventures of a man and his actions, and how the two affected the way his life ended. He carried out m cost of Aristotle requirements for a highhanded man, including his pursuit of truth and a high stance in society. A key factor in his life was one that did not meet the standards, however: his I ace of good fortune.His tale challenges readers to brood over some important questions: What is a hero, and is it actions or fate that decides? One of the most important concepts Aristotle focuses on is one's good fortune e. He claims that, ‘The gifts of good fortune also are commonly thought to contribute to hi kindnesses. For those who are well born are thought worthy of honor,† (Witt, 160). A person that is highhanded generally has good things happen to him. Aristotle idea is mode irately accurat e; Decoys 2 people that aim for integrity usually encounter positive outcomes.Although it is out of his control, Oedipus fails to meet Aristotle standards in this division. The entire y of his bad luck is displayed during the final Antiheroes of the story: Ah Situation!†¦ When I was cast upon you, why did I not die?†¦ Then should never have shown the world my execrable birth†¦ My own blood, spilled by my own hand†¦ O marriage, marriage! That act that engendered me, and again the e act performed by the son in the same bed†¦ God hates me†¦ (Witt, 128) As Oedipus physically blinds himself, he finally reveals the truth about his life. Acknowledges being cursed as a baby and led to the land of Situation out of p tit, and the horrific actions he went on to commit thereafter; he ended up fulfilling his destiny Of murdering his father and sleeping with his mother. His whole life is spent running from the c ruse that was lain upon him, but fate brought him strai ght to it. Oedipus' unruly behavior is due to his lack of good fortune and the unmovable hand of fate. According to Aristotle, a highhanded man's fate tends to be positive, therefore making him more worthy of honor.In Oedipus' case, he lost all sense of respect once his true identity was revealed, making him a step below Aristotle ‘s specifications in this area. Aristotle also portrays the ideal man as one who values and strives for the true the. In â€Å"The Highhanded Man† he states, â€Å"He must care for the truth more than for what en will think of him, and speak and act openly. He will not hesitate to say what he thinks,† (Wi TTT, 160). The man described here is constant in his beliefs and is not afraid to make them know n, no matter what the consequences are.This is an extremely important virtue for any person to have, because one cannot truly believe in anything if he/ she does not believe in themselves enough to speak openly. Oedipus exhibits this trait during his conversation with his wife's brother Kerr Decoys 3 You murderer! Do you think I do not know that you plotted to kill me†¦ Am I†¦ A fool, that you should dream you could accomplish this?†¦ Thrones may be won or bought: you could do neither. (Witt, 116) This passage occurs after Terrifies admits his knowledge of Oedipus' past. Up on his return, the outraged king accuses Akron of attempting to steal his throne.Oedipus, of co ruse, is wrong in his accusations, but his underlying motive is to discover the truth. His search for answers overcame his fear of losing Akron as a friend. This selfless act would be considered as hi shinnied according to Aristotle standards. High social stature is another characteristic that a man must possess in order to be considered as highhanded. In Aristotle words, â€Å"The highhanded man, then, respect of the greatness of his deserts occupies an extreme position,† (Witt, 159). A man can not be regarded as highhanded unless his position in society is high, as well.Although there are many locals, honorable men, it is nearly impossible for one to be noticed as such without b Ewing relatively famous. Oedipus is welkin, for he holds the most important rank in the cit y, as he states in the beginning of the tragedy: â€Å"†¦ L have come myself to hear you l, Oedipus, who o bears the famous name,† (Witt, 110). In this passage, the king is addressing the people o f his city regarding their wishes to speak to him. Aristotle states that a highhanded ma n must be great in all ways, including his social status.As a fractals king, Oedipus fits this part o f Aristotle criteria perfectly. Oedipus exhibits many of the qualities Aristotle literature â€Å"The Highhanded Man† requires, despite his lack of good fortune. Looking into the origins of the mod render hero allows one to ponder about his or her own morality. Oedipus was an Larson d admirable man; he appealed to the people, sought justice, an d applied punishment where it w as deserved even Decoys 4 against himself. The wrongs he committed unknowingly were seemingly Univac addable, and every eve he made in between was aimed at goodness. Oedipus Rex The Oral Presentation gave me a clear idea about how and what the author was trying to convey through his book. Not being from the time period at which the play was written made it difficult to interpret what Sophocles was trying to portray. Even though the presentation clarified most of my questions, I was still left pondering certain aspects of Oedipus Rex. In the book, the main question for me was if Oedipus really had control of his life or what he being controlled by the gods and fate. When Oedipus heard the prophecy for the first time, he tried to run away from it.That gives me inkling on Oedipus that tells me he believes in the prophecy and it will come to pass. When he really does kill his father without knowing and later tried to find the killer he says â€Å"Now my curse on the murderer. Whowever he is, a lone man unknown in his crime or one among many let that man drag out his life in agony† (Sophocles, 280 – 283). In reality he places that curse on himself a nd he really did spend the rest of his life in pain and agony as well as exile. In the presentation it shows the respect Greeks gave to the gods and elder as well as to their advice and wisdom.Also since they respected the gods, who were almighty, would punish you if you resisted their will. In the book it shows that because Oedipus killed his father, the plague started and until there has been justice and the man caught for the crime, the plague will keep killing people. In the presentation, it showed us that the plague was active during the time the play was written and it transfers over to the book because the author is trying to tell us that people were losing faith and thus causing plague which scared people to pin their hope on some higher power.In the book the chorus says that â€Å"great laws tower above us† (Sophocles, 957) which shows that people considered gods as the greatest Justice. That proves the fact that they respect the gods at the highest of level. This ma kes me want to learn more about their belief as well as what the prophecy meant to them. I also want to learn more about how the belief affected their everyday life and thoughts as well. That ends my thought on what I have learned from the presentation. The reflective essay also helped clear my thoughts on what I had learned from the presentation and sort out the facts. Oedipus Rex It is edifice alt to decide whether there should be a set criteria for a hero; professors use one man's SST ROR as a basis for questioning: Oedipus Rexes. Sophocles' play explores the adventures of a man and his actions, and how the two affected the way his life ended. He carried out m cost of Aristotle requirements for a highhanded man, including his pursuit of truth and a high stance in society. A key factor in his life was one that did not meet the standards, however: his I ace of good fortune.His tale challenges readers to brood over some important questions: What is a hero, and is it actions or fate that decides? One of the most important concepts Aristotle focuses on is one's good fortune e. He claims that, ‘The gifts of good fortune also are commonly thought to contribute to hi kindnesses. For those who are well born are thought worthy of honor,† (Witt, 160). A person that is highhanded generally has good things happen to him. Aristotle idea is mode irately accurat e; Decoys 2 people that aim for integrity usually encounter positive outcomes.Although it is out of his control, Oedipus fails to meet Aristotle standards in this division. The entire y of his bad luck is displayed during the final Antiheroes of the story: Ah Situation!†¦ When I was cast upon you, why did I not die?†¦ Then should never have shown the world my execrable birth†¦ My own blood, spilled by my own hand†¦ O marriage, marriage! That act that engendered me, and again the e act performed by the son in the same bed†¦ God hates me†¦ (Witt, 128) As Oedipus physically blinds himself, he finally reveals the truth about his life. Acknowledges being cursed as a baby and led to the land of Situation out of p tit, and the horrific actions he went on to commit thereafter; he ended up fulfilling his destiny Of murdering his father and sleeping with his mother. His whole life is spent running from the c ruse that was lain upon him, but fate brought him strai ght to it. Oedipus' unruly behavior is due to his lack of good fortune and the unmovable hand of fate. According to Aristotle, a highhanded man's fate tends to be positive, therefore making him more worthy of honor.In Oedipus' case, he lost all sense of respect once his true identity was revealed, making him a step below Aristotle ‘s specifications in this area. Aristotle also portrays the ideal man as one who values and strives for the true the. In â€Å"The Highhanded Man† he states, â€Å"He must care for the truth more than for what en will think of him, and speak and act openly. He will not hesitate to say what he thinks,† (Wi TTT, 160). The man described here is constant in his beliefs and is not afraid to make them know n, no matter what the consequences are.This is an extremely important virtue for any person to have, because one cannot truly believe in anything if he/ she does not believe in themselves enough to speak openly. Oedipus exhibits this trait during his conversation with his wife's brother Kerr Decoys 3 You murderer! Do you think I do not know that you plotted to kill me†¦ Am I†¦ A fool, that you should dream you could accomplish this?†¦ Thrones may be won or bought: you could do neither. (Witt, 116) This passage occurs after Terrifies admits his knowledge of Oedipus' past. Up on his return, the outraged king accuses Akron of attempting to steal his throne.Oedipus, of co ruse, is wrong in his accusations, but his underlying motive is to discover the truth. His search for answers overcame his fear of losing Akron as a friend. This selfless act would be considered as hi shinnied according to Aristotle standards. High social stature is another characteristic that a man must possess in order to be considered as highhanded. In Aristotle words, â€Å"The highhanded man, then, respect of the greatness of his deserts occupies an extreme position,† (Witt, 159). A man can not be regarded as highhanded unless his position in society is high, as well.Although there are many locals, honorable men, it is nearly impossible for one to be noticed as such without b Ewing relatively famous. Oedipus is welkin, for he holds the most important rank in the cit y, as he states in the beginning of the tragedy: â€Å"†¦ L have come myself to hear you l, Oedipus, who o bears the famous name,† (Witt, 110). In this passage, the king is addressing the people o f his city regarding their wishes to speak to him. Aristotle states that a highhanded ma n must be great in all ways, including his social status.As a fractals king, Oedipus fits this part o f Aristotle criteria perfectly. Oedipus exhibits many of the qualities Aristotle literature â€Å"The Highhanded Man† requires, despite his lack of good fortune. Looking into the origins of the mod render hero allows one to ponder about his or her own morality. Oedipus was an Larson d admirable man; he appealed to the people, sought justice, an d applied punishment where it w as deserved even Decoys 4 against himself. The wrongs he committed unknowingly were seemingly Univac addable, and every eve he made in between was aimed at goodness. Oedipus Rex Sophocles in Oedipus Rex introduces the horrors of veracity through the journey the tragic hero Oedipus takes on. This tragedy encompasses all the concepts of Aristotle’s Poetics in regards to a complex plot. According to Aristotle, a tragedy is an event that has to arouse pity and fear to the readers; Oedipus contains all the features of this demand. In terms of Oedipus’ tragedy, he’s seen as the cursed one who consequently has to suffer the tragic repercussions of fate. In Sophocles’s Oedipus Rex, destiny persecutes Oedipus as it demonstrates elements such as his hubris that is exemplified through his behavior, his tragic flaws that is hamartia and the reversal of his tragic discovery that leads him to fulfill the prophecy. In Sophocles’ Oedipus Rex, the author depicts Oedipus’ tragic flaw of hubris through his kingship in Thebes. His pride qualifies as Aristotle’s concept of a tragic character. Aristotle’s tragic character is defined as a character that must occupy a high status and also embody virtues. Aristotle defines Oedipus’ hubris as â€Å"his excessive pride that causes the hero to ignore a divine warning break of moral law† (Aristotle 43). Oedipus is confident about solving the murder of king Laius. His character’s self-belief is exemplified through this quote; â€Å"by the mouth of messengers, I have myself came hither, Oedipus, known far and wide by name (Sophocles 1)†. This demonstrates how Oedipus is confident in his popularity, because he was the one who solved the Sphinx’s riddle and therefore believes that he deserves immediate respect and recognition. Oedipus illustrates himself as being the only intelligent one in all of Thebes, â€Å"with [his] readiness to afford all aid; hard hearted must [he] be (Sophocles 1)†. This passage clearly exhibits his arrogance as it also clarifies his hubris, which, in in end, leads to his downfall. Furthermore, he speaks to people in a pretentious manner; â€Å"what you come see is known already – not unknown to me (Sophocles 3)†. This once again acts as an addition to Aristotle’s concept of hubris. Oedipus permits himself to freely behave with a highly conceded attitude that is exemplified through â€Å"Come to each singly; by at my once groans for the city, and for myself, and you,† (Sophocles 3). The structure of this quote indicates Oedipus’ high attitude towards the problems that dawn upon Thebes. Instead of showing his audience that his primary concerns re of himself, his focus is the security of the town. In doing so, it displays the tenacity of his pride and thinking he can save the city of Thebes by himself, yet also displaying his dedication, which can be seen as a heroic quality: â€Å"I [am] confident, nor prone to fear (Sophocles 4)†. His hubris is once again exemplified when questioning the blind man, Tiresias. This man is known to only speak the truth, and when threatened by Oedipus to express that knowledge about the murder, it leads to a tragedy, rather than enlightenment, in this plot. Tiresias reveals the truth to Oedipus because of his perseverance in uncovering the truth. As he lets his hubris blurry his sight by believing he was lied to by Tiresisas and Creon because he thinks he is too virtuous to have committed such actions. Oedipus rejects all possibilities of such and rather refers to it as a plan to try and throw him off his reign: â€Å"For you would rouse a very stone to wrath – will you not speak out ever but stand thus relentless and persistent (Sophocles 13)†. This passage shows that there is a lingering fear within the king’s mind. He uses the excuse that they are trying to overthrow him because he was the one who solved the riddle of the sphinx, which potentially means they were jealous of his position. Oedipus believes that by tricking him, they would reign over Thebes. Oedipus’ negligence in accepting responsibility, along with his surplus of pride leads to his refusal in accepting the truth and instead opts to blame others. Tiresias tells him â€Å" you censure; but your own, at home, you see not, and blame me! Sophocles 13)†: this shows that Tiresias has had it with Oedipus’ hubris and him not being able to accept the truth, foreshadowing that Oedipus’ greatness is a tragic harbinger of his fall. Oedipus pushed himself into his fate which destruction is brought upon him through his ruthless means and arrogance. Oedipus’ hubris is portrayed through his thoughts, words and actions which eventua lly begin to work against him. Oedipus’ egoism leads him to think that he is perfect in everything, however, his superior attitude leads him to what Aristotle defines as one of the key points of a tragedy; hamartia. Aristotle’s meaning of hamartia is defined as â€Å"the change of fortune should be not from bad to good, reversely from good to bad. It should come about as the result not of vice, but of some great error or frailty in a character either such as we have described or better rather than worse (Aristotle 23). In Oedipus’ case, hamarita is seen when he wants to know the truth but also plays a role in leading to his downfall . The notion of hamartia is seen during Oedipus’ discussion with Tiresias: when the blind prophet reveals the truth to him. Oedipus disagrees with Tiresias’ statement, as he proclaims, â€Å"For I shall not be found a murderer (Sophocles 21)†. This passage indicates that he can’t be seen as the man who has killed the former king, although his determined search for the truth will uncover to him that that is exactly what he is. Because of this discussion, Tiresias abandons the scene thereby leaving Oedipus alone in his frustration, â€Å"this be the last time I shall gaze on thee, who am revealed to have nee born of those of whom I ought not – to have wedded whom I ought to be – and slain who I might not slay! (Sophocles 42)†. Oedipus believes he has evaded fate, but ironically he has fulfilled everything the oracle had explained to him, and it is is hamartia, his search for the truth that has pushed him to these realizations. Subsequently, he consults his wife Jocasta by telling her that Tiresias condemned him and revealed his prophecy. Jocasta, already knowing the truth, attempts to persuade him by giving up his search. However, because of his hamartia, Oedipus does not stop his search he continues with his attempts at finding out the truth about the prophecy of him killing his father and sleeping with his mother. This is seen as Oedipus’ annoyance of the truth, â€Å"more miserable than I am? Who on earth could have been born with more of hate from heaven? (Sophocles 29)†. This passage shows Oedipus’ realization that perhaps the prophet was right. â€Å"I am at the horror (Sophocles 41)†, indicates that Oedipus, beginning to panic, decides to consult the old man who knows the events. His hamartia is that which compels him to do so. However, the prophet refuses to say anything, so Oedipus says, â€Å"tell me the whole truth, or you will come to it! (Sophocles 41)†. Oedipus is once again arrogant in discovering the truth, but still seeks it. The old man, threatened for his life, begins to tell the tale of the patricide, â€Å"†¦and I hear. But I must hear – no less (Sophocles 41)†. The truth is out there now; Oedipus has uncovered the mystery of the murderer. It is Oedipus’ actions that bring things into motion, but it is his fate, pride and his hamartia, as he relentlessly wants the truth, that lead him to his downfall. Oedipus’ ignorance comes from his fear concerning the appalling horror of the possible truth and its devastating implications. This falls into the category of Aristotle’s concept in what makes a good tragedy; peripeteia. Aristotle defines it as the â€Å"reversal of the situation [which] is a change by which the action veers round to its opposite† (Aristotle 20). This concept is the reversal of a situation, which is the transition from ignorance to knowledge. The situations encompass scenes of suffering and of painful actions. In Oedipus’ case, his downfall is where he finally realizes that his prophecy of â€Å"self-slain† (Sophocles 44) was predestined to occur. Peripeteia, necessary for a complex plot, occurs when he realizes this, as we see in that quote. By this truth being actually understood, all consequences fall into place for Oedipus. First off, Jocasta, Oedipus’ wife and mother, knew the truth about Oedipus all along; she even pierced his tendons when he was younger so he couldn’t run away when she put him in a forest. After she found out that Oedipus discovered the truth, she locked herself in the bedroom alone and hung herself, â€Å"for whom it was impossible to watch, the ending of her misery (Sophocles 45)†. Oedipus is slowly introduced to the miseries of this truth; â€Å"say where he could find his wife – no wife, rather the [dead-corpse] of his mother (Sophocles 45)†. With his mother/wife dead, he could no longer handle the outcome of what his life came to be, so he no longer knows how to act, and is compelled to doing the most extreme of actions: â€Å"what followed; snatching from her dress gold pins wherewith she was adorned, he lifted them, and smote the nerves of his own eyeballs, saying that they should see no more (Sophocles 45)†. Oedipus could not put up with the realization; so instead, he opted to remove his sight. He could no longer bear the physical world and chose to focus on the psychological torment that accompanies the contemplation of the truth: â€Å"What deity was it that with a leap so great – farther than farthest – sprang on thy sad fate? Woe is me, woe is me for thee – unfortunate! (Sophocles 46)†. As blood is shrieking out of his eyes, he blinds himself in agony, demonstrating that nothing is worse than looking at the miserable truth. The irony is that even though he no longer has sight; he can now finally see the truth of the prophecy. As said when he was king, whoever the murderer was to be exiled from Thebes, so in order to fulfill this statement, he asks Creon, the new king â€Å"lead me to exile straight; Lead me, O my friends, the worst of murderers, or mortals most accurst, yea and to Gods chief object of their hate. (Sophocles 48)†. In addition to the demand of exile, he also asks Creon to take care of his daughters, as he can no longer bear the sight f them: â€Å"Knowing what is left of bitter in the life which at men’s hands you needs must henceforth live (Sophocles 53)†. This shows that Oedipus is talking to his daughters and telling them the truth, which is that no one will want to marry them because they were born from an incestuous marriage and because of this, they will be excluded from this society: the horrors of his actions cease to stop. Oedipus is then exiled from the city, expressing â€Å"to Gods, above all men, I am a mark for hat (Sophocles 53)†. Oedipus loses his sight and family, exiled from the city of Thebes, but gains the truth and lives in humility. Oedipus’ hubris was a mixture of rage and pride that unfortunately was possessed. The Greeks believed that this sin was grave and one of the most dangerous because people with such pride thought that they were above the Gods. Seeing that Oedipus’ arrogance is so strong as a consequent it led to his downfall. Therefore the result of hubris led him to a tragic fate. It is only when Oedipus’ plucks out his eyes that he returns to a human state. Oedipus’ character brings out his hubris, hamartia and recognition that enable it to fit under the concept of Aristotle’s complex plot.